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April 12, 2023

How To Get From Negombo to Trincomalee

Negombo to Trincomalee

Wants to get from Negombo to Trincomalee? Negombo and Trincomalee, two of the completely different tourists’ destinations that you should never skip from your holiday plans scheduled to happen in Sri Lanka.

Why Negombo? Negombo is the closest tourist’s and beach destination to Colombo international airport. It is modest, yet has everything that you always looked forward to have in anyone’s dream beach holiday.

Negombo is located just 20 minutes simple drive away from Colombo international airport. If you are not so in rush to shift from a destination to other, surely Negombo will promise you to offer a lot for your travel diaries.

The humble little beach destination is very friendly and find intimate where you will feel comfortable among the warmth of the smiling locals, and you will surely feel that you are in a home away from home.

Negombo is most fascinating in every fine sunset where you will be happy to make a stroll in colorful streets that has dainty shops and inviting restaurants located besides the roads.

Heading to Trincomalee from all the way from Negombo will be a solid experience. Trincomalee reigns in the North eastern coastal line of the island, by attracting the toursists who arrive to the city from all across the globe.

The destination is extremely fascinating that is shaped by the distinctive cultural practices, norms and believes amidst the hot sun that glistening the crystal sandy shores of the Indian ocean.

The spectacular two destinations are worth covering and will ensure to amaze your holiday by making you feel that you are “blessed” to be here. If you are planning to cover the two destinations, and here in Sri Lanka for a brief stay, it is very much important to organize the transfers by assuring that you your excited holiday plans are not ruined and wasted.

The below travel insights that are shared meant to offer you some detailed guide in arranging your transfers in right way. Study the below information and find about the most suitable and trusted travel mode to save your precious time and money.

Negombo to Trincomalee by taxi

The only available, direct, frequent, comfortable and convenient transfer mode traveling by a private taxi. It will not just save your money and time but also promising to make your trip more a memorable one while help you to secure the excitement of the trip that you always looked for.

If you are traveling with kids, and carrying luggage with you private taxis will make sure to offer you comfortable and safe trips so you no need to worry about traveling challenges but enjoy your holidays.

Offering you the most reasonable and affordable transfer rates with professional and friendly service Sri Lanka Driver Guide ready to make your trips a memorable one. keep connecting with us to learn about how we can inspire your holiday dreams with the best.

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    Negombo to Trincomalee by train

    Everyone prefers to choose trains for a lot of reasons. First, it is believed to save money and time, also offer comfortable and convenient transfers.

    As long as you find a convenient transfer options, surely trains would offer you reasonable transfer cost. But in case of traveling from Negombo to Trincomalee this is slightly different, as there are no direct and frequent transfer options.

    As you will not find direct trains to Trincomalee from Negombo, you have to proceed to Colombo Fort Central railway station. you have few options to make it by either getting to a train from Negombo that is heading to Colombo Fort Central railways station, or getting to a public bus or a taxi or may be a tuk.

    Being a sub train station, you will not find frequent departures to Colombo. If you possibly arrive to Colombo international airport by late hours there is no chance that you find a train departure and so as you can not rely on traveling to Colombo by train at all.

    This is similar to travel by bus too. You will find buses to Colombo, yet on late hours there will be very less bus departures and most of the time you will not find a one.

    You have two options buses, to make it by normal that approximately takes two hours minimum to end the trip and the buses are stopping at almost every bus stop, and they are often finding crowded.

    If you are getting to a high way express bus it has no stop in between and will take you to Colombo in 45 minutes to 1 hours but it will stop by central bus stand and so you have to make a little walk to train station, and cost wise expressway buses and taxis are expensive.

    Once you arrive to central fort train station you have to proceed to counters to purchase your tickets as there is no reliable online source are found to buy your tickets unless you get it done by an agent. There are two train departures from Colombo, one is at early morning and other one is at night.

    If you are arriving to Colombo international airport by late hours where you cannot find a departure, it’s always advisable to make an overnight stay in Colombo or Negombo and follow your trip from next day.

    Negombo to Trincomalee by bus

    The alternative transfer option available for you is making your transfer by getting to a public bus from Negombo to Trincomalee. compared to trains buses are a little relief whereas you will find direct bus transfers though it is not so available frequently.

    The total distance cover by land is about 300 Km and it takes from 6 to 8 hours (depending on the road condition and weather condition to conclude the trip) and also it stops at almost all the bus stations.

    If you are looking for a comfortable and convenient ride better to avoid bus journeys, are they found very much challenging and specially if you are after a long hour flight.

    Also, as you will not find frequent bus departures it is always recommended to make an overnight stay and resume your trip from the following day to minimize the unnecessary hassle that you may go through due to the non-availability of buses.

    Category: Guide

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